Primarily produced on high output extrusion lines, heavy gauge sheet is used to increase durability, reduce cost, improve aesthetics and increase safety as an alternative for metal, glass and wood. Typical applications include:
The high shear and long residence times associated with heavy gauge sheet extrusion places great demands on the dispersion quality of the masterbatch. Undispersed pigment in the masterbatch can cause a shift in the color of the final product in the converters extrusion process. In this case, the sheet coming offline will be off-shade from its intended color. To ensure that the color you want is the color you get, Penn Color utilizes proprietary screw designs and processing parameters in our twin screw extruders at all of our manufacturing operations. The industry proven process fully disperses and develops the pigment to deliver on color sheet in your process.
Penn Color has a great deal of experience in all the typical polymers used in these applications, including polyolefins, PMMA acrylic, polycarbonate and PVC. We welcome the opportunity to work with you on your next project.
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